The Muay Thai documentary series “8 Limbs: Life of a Nak Muay” shows in four impressive episodes, the beauty of Muay Thai and tells 4 independent stories and facts from the world of Muay Thai.
Episode 1: In Part 1 of the documentary series, two members of the Phuket Top Team are presented in detail. This is the one of the young fighters Yoduman and on the other his trainer Kru Lucky. Both are preparing in Phuket Top Team camp together for a fight and will be accompanied by the camera.
Episode 2: In the second part of the series Yoduman looking on for the the big fight. This takes place on Koh Yao Yai. There Yoduman will meet with a local fighter. Such special outdoor events are the essence of Muay Thai in Thailand and among the general population extremely popular.
Episode 3: The third part follows an independent action and impressively demonstrates the processes behind the scenes of a Muay Thai stadium and the processes before the fight. It is also discussed in detail the gambling, the sounds and the atmosphere in the stadiums.
Episode 4: In episode 4, two fighters from abroad during training at Phuket Top Team Camp will be accompanied. The 9-year-old Jon Vetle from Norway and the 19-year-old Malik Watson preparing for their fight in Thailand. Their different styles and how they compete, you can see here.
8 Limbs: Life of a Nak Muay
Phuket Top Team
Credits to @StillW1ll on twitter for the intro/outro visual!
also to Jrbazil on YouTube – for the awesome sunrise intro!